Viggle AI Video

Visit viggle ai video for the first video-3d foundation model with actual physics understanding, starting from making any character move as you want.

Mix into a motion video with viggle ai

You can input `/mix` in the discord with a character and mix it into a motion video.

Mix character image into motion video

Mix static image into motion video

Mix a video into motion video

Animate a static character with viggle ai

You can `/animate` a static character with a text motion prompt.

Animate with a static character image

Animate with a text motion prompt

Animate the character with the motion template

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Viggle AI Video?

Viggle AI Video is the entrance for viggle ai. Viggle ai is the first video-3d foundation model with actual physics understanding, starting from making any character move as you want.

How to use mix with Viggle AI?

1. Open Viggle AI Video and click join viggle ai.

2. Upload an image with a clear character.

3. Input the prompt to control the generated motion video.

How to use animate with Viggle AI?

1. Upload the image with a clear character.

2. Describe the motion you want your character to do (you can also select a motion template.

Is Viggle AI free?

Viggle AI is in beta version, and it's free to try for the main feature now.

Does the Viggle AI Video support to generate based on the video?

Yes, you can upload the character video and input the prompt.

What are prompt template for the Viggle AI Video?

Here are some of the template: $kendrick_lamar_not_like_us, $cristiano_ronaldo_top_celebration_cut, $a_joyless_laughing_guy, $hot_diggity_dog, $dua_lipa_twisting_hip_dance, $detroit_become_human, $dancing_security_guard, $cristiano_ronaldo_wearing_suit, $baraka_laughing_at_johnny, $will_ferrell_you_shut_up, $the_weeknd, $the_best_of_roman_roy. For more, please visit:

What are the usage rights for the motion video generated by the Viggle AI Video?

Users are typically free to use the motion video generated by the Viggle AI for personal enjoyment, sharing on social media, or even for commercial purposes, as long as they adhere to the platform's Terms of Use.

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